Pune: In a major fire that broke out at Pune police commissionerate on Saturday morning, the server room where all the data had been stored was completely destroyed. The joint commissioner of the city police Sanjay Kumar said that property worth lakhs of rupees including six computers, three servers, three central processing units, wireless sets and ceiling fan has been gutted in the fire.
Cops said that there was no need to panic, as the data which was destroyed was just a backup and the original data is safe. The fire was caused due to a short circuit.
As per the information given by the fire brigade officials, around 8.30am, their control room received a call about the fire at the commissionerate. The officials reached the spot and doused the fire using sprinklers.
“The server room is situated on the ground floor of the commissionerate and was locked from outside. We had to break open window panes and with the use of fog sprinklers, the fire inside the room was controlled,” said Sunil Gilbile, the station duty officer with the Central Fire Brigade office.
He said that the sprinkler system had to be used as there was sensitive data inside the room. The forceful water system could have damaged the data. Within 20 minutes the fire was brought under control.
Joint commissioner of police Sanjay Kumar said that though the backup data had been destroyed, the original data is safe and secured. Speaking about the fire safety audit, he said that after the Mantralaya fire in Mumbai, the audit was done.
Fire at State Bank of India’s JM Road branch
In other incident, a small fire broke out in the battery backup room of State Bank of India’s JM Road branch on Saturday morning. The cause of the fire was again a short circuit. Gilbile said that before they reached the spot, SBI officials had doused the fire using extinguishers.
As per the fire brigade officials, with the mercury rising, the cases of fire due to short circuits are reported in the city.
900 major & minor
incidents in 3 months
As temperatures sore with each passing day, incidents of fire too are increasing. In last three months alone, as many as 900 cases of minor and major fire outbreaks have been reported and in most of the cases the reason for the fire was short circuit. These were mainly caused due to old wiring, over-heating and multiple connections with one socket.
Chief fire officer of PMC Prashant Ranpise said that in summers, the incidents of fire see an upward spike.
“It is advisable for the citizens to replace old wiring as the heat increases, the wires melt causing short circuits, which lead to fires,” he said.
He also suggested that people should dispose off unwanted things from their house or shops as fire may then spread rapidly.
*Precautionary measures*
Replace old wiring
Dispose off unwanted or waste material in house or shops
Do not use one socket for multiple connections
ReportPuneSandip KolhatkarDNAPunePunefireCentral Fire BrigadeCPPune PoliceSunday, 4 May 2014 - 9:05amSunday, 4 May 2014 - 9:05am
Property worth lakhs destroyed; six computers, three servers, three CPUs and wireless sets lost due to short circuitDNA CorrespondentDNA
dnai.in/2 Reported by DNA 16 hours ago.
Cops said that there was no need to panic, as the data which was destroyed was just a backup and the original data is safe. The fire was caused due to a short circuit.
As per the information given by the fire brigade officials, around 8.30am, their control room received a call about the fire at the commissionerate. The officials reached the spot and doused the fire using sprinklers.
“The server room is situated on the ground floor of the commissionerate and was locked from outside. We had to break open window panes and with the use of fog sprinklers, the fire inside the room was controlled,” said Sunil Gilbile, the station duty officer with the Central Fire Brigade office.
He said that the sprinkler system had to be used as there was sensitive data inside the room. The forceful water system could have damaged the data. Within 20 minutes the fire was brought under control.
Joint commissioner of police Sanjay Kumar said that though the backup data had been destroyed, the original data is safe and secured. Speaking about the fire safety audit, he said that after the Mantralaya fire in Mumbai, the audit was done.
Fire at State Bank of India’s JM Road branch
In other incident, a small fire broke out in the battery backup room of State Bank of India’s JM Road branch on Saturday morning. The cause of the fire was again a short circuit. Gilbile said that before they reached the spot, SBI officials had doused the fire using extinguishers.
As per the fire brigade officials, with the mercury rising, the cases of fire due to short circuits are reported in the city.
900 major & minor
incidents in 3 months
As temperatures sore with each passing day, incidents of fire too are increasing. In last three months alone, as many as 900 cases of minor and major fire outbreaks have been reported and in most of the cases the reason for the fire was short circuit. These were mainly caused due to old wiring, over-heating and multiple connections with one socket.
Chief fire officer of PMC Prashant Ranpise said that in summers, the incidents of fire see an upward spike.
“It is advisable for the citizens to replace old wiring as the heat increases, the wires melt causing short circuits, which lead to fires,” he said.
He also suggested that people should dispose off unwanted things from their house or shops as fire may then spread rapidly.
*Precautionary measures*
Replace old wiring
Dispose off unwanted or waste material in house or shops
Do not use one socket for multiple connections
ReportPuneSandip KolhatkarDNAPunePunefireCentral Fire BrigadeCPPune PoliceSunday, 4 May 2014 - 9:05amSunday, 4 May 2014 - 9:05am
Property worth lakhs destroyed; six computers, three servers, three CPUs and wireless sets lost due to short circuitDNA CorrespondentDNA
dnai.in/2 Reported by DNA 16 hours ago.