Australias unemployment situation for adults 25 to 64 has deteriorated as though there is a recession
It is probably no consolation to the 756,000 unemployed in Australia, but the employment sector in Australia is experiencing a completely unique situation, markedly different from anything in the past 35 years, and which has Australias economy taking on the role of a boiled frog.
The boiled frog analogy is based on the myth that if you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out and survive, but if you put it in cold water and slowly bring it to the boil it wont notice until its too late. Its one of my favourite quasi-scientific sounding analogies that gets used in dumb action films like Dantes Peak.
Continue reading... Reported by 14 hours ago.
It is probably no consolation to the 756,000 unemployed in Australia, but the employment sector in Australia is experiencing a completely unique situation, markedly different from anything in the past 35 years, and which has Australias economy taking on the role of a boiled frog.
The boiled frog analogy is based on the myth that if you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out and survive, but if you put it in cold water and slowly bring it to the boil it wont notice until its too late. Its one of my favourite quasi-scientific sounding analogies that gets used in dumb action films like Dantes Peak.
Continue reading... Reported by 14 hours ago.